Letter from T.P. Bayley to Samuel McClintock Hamill, 12 April 1865

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(1) Norristown April 12 1865
(2) Revd S.M. Hamill
(3)                               Dr Sir,
(4)                                           By this mor-
(5) nings mail I received your bill
(6) of Board & Tuition of our Son
(7) for the last session ending in
(8) Feb. amounting to $137.11 less $80
(9) paid you in advance leaving
(10) a balance due you to $57.11/100
(11)     Enclosed I hand you my
(12) sight check on the Bank of
(13) North America Phila for Fifty
(14) Seven 11/100 Dollars Payable to
(15) your order; Which when paid
(16) Please advise at your conve-
(17) nience.
(18)     I was on the eve of writing
(19) This when I had the agreeable
(20) pleasure of a visit from your
(21) Brother Mr Hugh Hamill making
(22) kindly enquiries after our Son
(23) & my family; I regret to have to

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(1) say; finding my wife in a low
(2) state of health, from which she
(3) is very slowly convalescing.
(4)       I receive your congratula-
(5) tion on the expressive good news
(6) from Richmond; in a telling blow
(7) on Rebellion in defeat & a victory
(8) to Zion & Uncle Sam Union, in
(9) Hosannas of Praise in the Lord
(10) who is known from the begin-
(11) ning in the Election of his Grace
(12) & Mercy & his Judgements of
(13) Wrath; As the Advocate & victor
(14) of the Union of Righteousness
(15) & Peace & good will to all men
(16) on earth as in Heaven. 
(17)     And this victory he has
(18) surely given in the 1821 time
(19) of the end of 1260 Zion days
(20) of the Revelation of Zion resto
(21) ration & Uncle Sam Great Babylon
(22) 1290 days of the abomination
(23) of Desolation of Daniel Spoken

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(1) of by Jesus as the Harbinger
(2) of the coming Peace of war
(3) worn veterans to prepare for
(4) the Appearing of the Prince
(5) of Peace, at the last great
(6) Battle of the eternal restoration
(7) of God with Kings in the last
(8) struggle of life with Death. 
(9)       Tender my kind regards to your
(10) good Lady, Mr Swan & Mr Wood
(11) & tell them if the will not be
(12) lieve I am the Son of a Prophet
(13) believe I the works they testify
(14) they are wrought by Christ the
(15) Royal Prophet of God in me. 
(16) For they see if 1260 Zion days is
(17) 1821 of Uncle Sam Sin & Evil so is
(18) 1290 days of Daniels desolation
(19) equal to the Answer of 1864
(20) 3 years 4 (mo)•1•(W)•1 (D) = 4 (mo.) in April 8 (Days) in
(21) May in 3 years & 6 months 42
(22) months of Babylon war up
(23) Revelation on Dian; that brings

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(1) Peace in 4 (mo)•1•(W)•1 (D) = the 8th of
(2) May out 3•1•2•6/3•6•0•0 the beginning of war which is surely
(3) working out itself to the
(4) promissory day of Hope for
(5) Union & Peace; to come
(6) within a month of presage
(7) in the future has made
(8) many Prophets of Truth
(9) & surely I must have Spoken
(10) by the Holy Ghost as I
(11) was moved by the Spirit
(12) of Praise.
(13)     I therefore remain in
(14) the congratulation of Praise
(15) to the Lamb & God Omnip
(16) otent for ever
(17)                 Yours truly
(18)                                         T.P. Baley
(19) P.S. Say to them
(20) by a like process of Praise in Grace
(21) in Faith & hope in trust: I can work
(22) out as well 1878 the 1335 days of
(23) the Angel of blessedness in the Millen-
(24) ial Glory of God for 1000 Years on
(25) earth in our first Eden our earth
(26) from Enoch Perhaps 300147 to Adam
(27) 4004; but as Jesus said I have many things
(28) to say to them, but they cannot bear them now
(29) untill they see what I say has worked well.