Letter from Prentiss deVeuve to Samuel McClintock Hamill, 20 September 1853


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(1) Boston Sept 20th 1853
(2) My dear Teacher
(3)                    As I have been
(4) obliged to dictate all my letters, I
(5) thought it would be sufficient to
(6) write Mr. Davis and not trouble you
(7) with one of those constrained epistles.
(8) My letters to him have kept you
(9) informed of all my wandering since
(10) I left Lawrenceville. I did hope
(11) until quite recently to meet you
(12) again at the closing exercises
(13) but my eyes have grown to much
(14) worse as to compell me to place
(15) myself under medical advice, which
(16) will prevent my going South for
(17) some weeks to come. I shall be with
(18) you in my thoughts, however, on next
(19) Wednesday, which I suppose is the
(20) final day. I appropriated the


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(1) money you gave me in the purchase
(2) of Hume & Macauley’s Histories of
(3) England, and will ever retain
(4) them as a memento of you. It
(5) will be hardly necessary to possess
(6) anything tangible to refresh my
(7) memory of the pleasant days I
(8) have passed at Lawrenceville.
(9) The books may grow old, be lost
(10) or destroyed but the recollections of
(11) happy hours, friendly faces, and
(12) kind hearts, are lasting as the
(13) life. If you should chance to come
(14) this way during the vacation, it
(15) would give me the greatest pleasure
(16) to see you at my Uncles- number
(17) eighteen Hancock St.
(18)      With kind remembrances to
(19) Mrs. H and Mr. Hugh I remain
(20)                  very respectfully your
(21)                              attached and obliged
(22)                                                      Pupil
(23)                                          Prentiss de Veuve


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(1) P.S.
(2)        Miss Helen Hunt the writer of this
(3) epistle, desires her respects to Mr
(4) Hugh Hamill and Miss J. Nassau.
(5) Augustus also wishes to be remembered
(6) to the Nassau’s.


Rev. Samuel M Hamill

Letter from Prentiss deVeuve to Samuel McClintock Hamill, 20 September 1853